
Join Local Communities to Increase your Business Opportunity

Local communities are a great place to meet and grow your business, find potential clients and partners, as well as provide you with some inside information that is relevant to the local area.

Marc Forbes

To increase your business opportunity, it's important to be connected with other entrepreneurs both online and locally. This way you'll be able to find new customers and partners much easier.

The internet provides new ways to interact with people, but not everyone is comfortable with this. Some people prefer in-person interaction and community building. You can try to join a local group of entrepreneurs or attend some networking events. 

If that's not possible for you and you feel the need for human contact, try joining an online community that is related to your industry and start interacting with others there.

Some great places to start looking for online communities:

Facebook groups: There are a lot of local community groups on Facebook, just look up your local community there is sure to be one.

Reddit: Reddit is composed of millions of subreddits, essentially individual forums in their own right. If you're looking to find an online community in your community or even just talk to other businesss owerns in your industry, then it will be here.

Various other forums: Depending on your industry there will be some forums out there, it seems like these days the older forums seem to be replaced by facebook groups and reddit, however there are older established forums that still keep a good user base.

Deal forums / websites: There are quite a few deal websites that are worth looking into if your happy to offer a great discount to get some new customers. You would be surprised to see the community built up around these smart shoppers. One of the bigger ones is

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