
How to Turn Your Side Hustle Into Your Main Hustle

You may not know it now, but your side hustle could be your main hustle in the future. We have a few tips to help you make the transition.

Marc Forbes

We don't know what the future of work will be, but many experts are predicting that you'll need to have a portfolio of skills to stay relevant. This is why it's so important to invest in your "side-hustles."

For a side hustle to become you main hustle, it needs to be both profitable and sustainable.

Tips on Turning Your Side Hustle to the Main Hustle

  1. Create the time: The first step is creating the time for your side hustles. Schedule some free hours in the day where you can do your work without being interrupted by other responsibilities like family or friends.
  2. Get into a routine: Create a routine that works for you and stick with it. If you stick with it, it will help make sure that you are committed to this new venture of yours.
  3. Realise the time to make the switch: Ideally, there should be one of two options when you know you should make the switch. One, your side hustle is making enough money to drop the 9 to 5. Great! Go for it, just make sure that this money is going to keep you going. Two, your side hustle is getting to the point where it needs your full attention, you can see to point where you can make enough money to live, and you have enough money saved to get you there. Don’t forget to keep some extra money saved up just in case.
  4. Play to your strengths: Know your strengths and maximize them. You don't have to be an allrounder, sometimes focusing on a niche can be a great business move.
  5. Don't overburden yourself: Try not to take on too many tasks at one time, this is a surefire way to burn out.
  6. Expand your professional network - Being able to tap into your professional network can be invaluable when it comes to building a client list.
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