
Getting Started with Google Ads in 2022

So, where do you start when it comes to Google Ads? We give you a little bit of advice to help you get some more traffic started today!

Marc Forbes

Google Ads is a great way for you to reach your customers. Google have made it easier than ever and uses some automation so you can let Google do its thing and optimize the ads for you.

That said, one thing to be aware, you and Google have two different motives. They want your money and you should be waiting to spend as little per sale as possible, so just take it slow. Wait until your ads are working well before you start increasing your spending, so you don't burn your money before your ads are optimized.

How to Start?

Simply click the following link

Your Daily Budget

First, consider your budget, I would recommend when you first start you keep your ad budget small. At this early stage, it's really allabout testing out your ads to see what works.

Your Ads

I would recommend letting Google automate the ad creation process to being with. If you make display ads, then upload a variety of images and copy and let google do its thing. They will combine various options till they work out what's best. Just leave it and come back in a week and ad a few more options, remove what doesn't work. 

In time you would have a good combination of title, images and copy. At this point, it might be worth seeing if you can hire someone to design some better designed ads around your proven combinations.

Tracking Conversions

Make sure you are tracking your conversions, if not, then you are only seeing half of the picture. You need to be knowing what your users are doing on your website once they land there.

Optimizing Campaigns

This will happen over time, Google will do a lot of this for you but to get the most out of your money keep track of everything and keep adding in new pictures, copy, and keywords for the Google algorithm to work with.

Once you are getting a good return on your ad spend, just keep on expanding your budget and refining your ads!

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