
10 Tips on Creating Highly Shareable Images for Social Media

Images are a powerful way to get your message across. They are the primary reason why people share content on social media.

Marc Forbes

You should always be thinking about the audience when creating anything for social media. It is important to know what gets them excited, what makes them laugh, and what inspires them. 

In this post, we'll share some tips on how to create images that will drive engagement and help you create highly shareable images that will capture their attention and make them want to share them with others.

10 Tips for creating images that will drive engagement on social media:

  1. Story-driven: People are drawn to images that depict emotion in a story-driven way. 
  2. Simple and emotive: Images should be simple and evoke emotion.
  3. Show faces: Images should be clear, up-close, and show people's faces. Our brains are hardwired to react to the human face.
  4. Be inspirational or aspirational: Images should be inspirational or aspirational and evoke some kind of reaction (laughter, curiosity).
  5. Clean imagery: Make sure images are clean and well lit to avoid distraction from other objects in the background or shadows on the face.
  6. Contrast: Make sure there's plenty of contrast between dark and light areas in the image.
  7. Avoid text overlays: Text overlays draw attention away from your message or product.
  8. Centre the focal point: Showcase what’s important by positioning graphics near the centre of the post or using a single graphic as a background.
  9. Express yourself: Create something new and different that sets you apart from other businesses - not only with the content but also with how you represent it visually!
  10. Be creative: Focus on being creative with how you put together your images and not just sticking to the same old stock photos.
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